300 feet long rope tied to the parasail harness at one end and to the speedboat at the other end. When the boat runs on the water, the parasailor just takes one or two steps and he/she is lifted into the air, the parasail lifting behind him/her.
Two people are accommodated for water scooter ride. This action sport provides all the thrills of a motorbike with the softness of an ocean instead of hard tar road beneath the feet.
Scuba diving in Goa is limited to visibility underwater (6 to 12 metres only ), there is an amazing marine life as well as hard coral which continues to amaze even the most experienced divers. Fishes like Barracudas, Damsels, Snappers, Sweetlips, Groupers, Sweepers, Sergeant Majors, Angelfish, Butterfly fish, Parrotfish, Bannerfish, Wrasse, Sharks, Tangs, Mullets, Tuna, Batfish, Scorpionfish, Lionfish, Rock Cod, etc. Sea life includes Sea Cucumber, Blennies, Gobies, Turtle, Lobsters, Cuttlefish, Shrimps and Nudibranchs. Corals of the Table, Brain, Staghorn, Sea Whips, Gorgonian Fans, etc variety abound.
The introduction of river rafting by Southern River Adventures, Goa’s water sports scene has just reached full of fun. This sport, begins during the monsoon season when the rivers are swollen from the heavy rains. The fun raft starts at the Earthen Pot restaurant in Valpoi in North Goa. From here group of rafters transported to The Mahdei River to enjoy the thrills and chills. After completing the rafting visitors are brought back to the Earthen Pot restaurant.
Windsurfing includes surfing and sailing, which requires the surfer to adjust his strength and balance to the changing patterns of wind and water. Dona Paula bay to be the ideal location for beginners. The prevailing winds and the calm sea, ensure almost lake-like conditions. The morning time is suitable — just right for learners; while stronger winds that set in during the afternoons offer a perfect surfing for the more experienced.
The banana boat ride is a fun and exciting activity that both children and grownups can enjoy An inflatable tube that is shaped just like a banana and connected to a speedboat, which pulls it along the water at high speeds. Everyone riding the banana boat must hold on as tight as possible as the speedboat attempts to flip the inflatable boat thereby dropping its passengers into the banana boat accommodates around 4 to 6 people. For safety life jackets are provided Below 10 years children will not allow for this banana ride.Rs.400- will be charged per one person.